First time i took a bus to Yishun Dam.
Always cycled there.
Luckily NEVER take the wrong bus and alight at wrong stop.
Arrived at Yishun Dam safely .
But the walk from the busstop to there is so long and forested!
And i’m sort of allergic to forested places(not when i’m in no4, i dunno why.)
whenever i’m wearing singlet and i jog past forested area, my skin will start to get itchy and rashy.
in the meantime of hurrying to the place, we still took some pics!

Oh ya, forgot to say how come suddenly i’m fishing/crabbing again!
my mum havent even cook the last batch of crab lor.(updates**, today she just clean and cut them into parts)
wanted to actually go swimming de, but wake up, see the sky cloudy, then it started to drizzle?
lol, was half sleeping when i was checking out the weather.
then swimming was cancelled and got nothing to do at home.
then asked kl out for fishing/crabbing then she ON!
so off we go!

i told kl dun need cover liao, your face appear on my blog dunno how many times le.

the beautiful and sunny yishun dam!
dots, it was still cloudy when i left home.
destined to fish la.

i got a red umbrella.
kl got a purple umbrella.
so together, we are,

a uncle drove his boat to the dam area and loaded and unloaded some pails.
on the boat got a cute n dumb-looking dog!

the dog keep giving the blur look.
maybe he got sea-sicked.
kl say his tail very cute.

trying to untangle the mess we created.
fried beehoon, a.k.a char beehoon!( the term anglers use to describe a bunch of tangled fishing lines.)

yishun dam is a tricky place to fish.
sangkot is a very very frequent thing even at highest tide.
so i got no choice to change to floating method.
even my crab net got trapped!
i guess below must have a lot of fishing lines le.
today i had to cut away 3/4 of my rigs!?
later on, i gave up on the float thingy cause i wasn’t very learnt in that method.
i made a self-innovated handline, using my reel, tie with the normal rigs and use my hand to control the lines.
so that i can control the rig and not let it lie entirely on the seabed and get stucked.
and it proofed to be useful!
i got an
unlimited supply of this fish!

whenever i drop the handline and i feel a pecking on my line, i jerk abit, then this fish is on le.
first few times was quite fun.
after that got really irritated, have to dehook the fish and rebait.
but not all the times is that tiny fish.
some other times, also got other fishes that managed to eat my prawn bait.

got a
Scat!, i forgot that they got venomous spikes, luckily i didnt use my hand to handle it.
This type of fish is common in brackish water, which means a mixture of fresh and seawater, that explains why it was caught at yishun DAM.
kl photography skill + my editing skill.

the few bigger catches.
with my self-innovated handline method!
it proofed that even super small hooks can get big fish.
there’s a theory, small hook can catch small and big fish, but big hook cannot catch small fish.

ALOT of this
Eel-tailed catfish. are irritating lots.
only some of the malays like to eat this.
normally they are considered a pest as they eat away your bait and they have venomous spikes on fins and are irritating to handle.
got a bigger catfish, but released it as the hook got stucked all the way inside the mouth, had a hard time removing it.
Catching the
Scat(the spotted fish) was fun, i was feeling for the pecking and i jerk and got him.
then i was pulling up and it was like swimming away and i could feel the slightly heavier weight.
pull halfway wah can feel the weight and i told kaili, WAH, this one big one big one.
You never know what u will catch until u pull them out of the water, so that’s the excitement of fishing!!
Oh ya and i saw a uncle catch a SUPER BIG fish today.
its’s the first time i saw a LIVE show of people fighting big fish.
Nice, i saw the fish jump out of the water and did a somersault.
the fish was about the size of this la!
maybe even
and the fish was caught from shore, so its even more zai.
(not this fish, this is a pic of a salmon found from the internet)

nighttime le, keep getting the unlimited supply of small fish and occasional catfish.
got sian le.

checked the crab trap, not many crabs.
1 small thunder(released)
1 flower/normal crab(brought home as pincers seem meaty)
2 catfish, AGAIN!
yes in the crab trap.

Cya till my next fishing/crabbing trip!
Guess gonna bring kl and yb to sembawang park to crab!
Labels: crabbing, fishing, kaili, yishun dam