Bad work day, yanzi concert tics.
by Celestial ( 0 comments )

Thursday, May 28, 2009
3:58:00 AM

Today was a bad day at work.

Met 2 unreasonable people within the first hour of working?

One accused US of putting him to a higher risk of H1N1 Influenza A, and he threatened to call MOH to complain us and will come back to find us if he gets infected with the new flu.

The other accused ME of calling her a 神精病 when what i said was that “i couldn’t hear her”.

Or infact, i was explaining to her why we needed her IC or any other identification card, so that we could take down her info in the shortest possible time and if she were to read it out plainly, we might 听不清楚..


I almost puke blood explaining to her that i never said those words.

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On the other hand, EVERYday, i would see a old uncle, walking in with a hunchback and a head of white hair, handing us a completed form.

which he took the trouble to photocopy and fill it up himself at home so that he can spend more time with her wife at the Ren Ci Home.


一把年纪了, 还得不顾日晒雨淋, 天天都来探望他的老伴...

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礼拜天, 燕姿会在长堤坊开签票会,又有多一次机会和燕姿近距离见面了哦!~


I like to mix and match english and mandarin when i’m blogging!

cause in reallife when i talk, i also will speak in english, then chinese, then english, then chinese.


okay i think i’m starting to talk nonsense.

today during breaktime, i saw the Mr and Little Miss handphone strap collection capsules having promotion at 7-11 and i went to buy a capsule for $1.90 (with any purchase).

and i got a Little Miss Shy, which i think is ugly!

and another MR.SMALL which i think is quite cute!


i want MR.NOSEY and MR.GREEDY!

So cute!

Little Miss Sunshine and Mr Smile is nice too :D

IMG_0001 (2)-1

Oh no, can’t imagine that i’m turning 21 this year and i’m still that childish ~_~”

Okay maybe that’s why those uncles and aunties still call me that.

“Ah Boy ah, what you want?”

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