Guess it’s so obvious what i’m gonna blog about today since i said i was going for the autograph session @ Causeway pt.
Reached Causeway Pt @ 1:43pm.
Went to have lunch and then went to walk around.

At 3:38pm, finally convinced the person accompanying me to this autograph session to enter the queuing area.


Got some snacks to nibble on while waiting.
All pink in colour, lol.
I like pink stuffs?

yummy “Yan Yan”
oh, and i completed the 4star sudoku when i was queuing!

Yanzi wallpaper on my HP.

the crew from Razor TV interviewing some of the fanclub peeps and the host for today’s autograph session is Cruz Teng, 丁志勇!
same as 完美的一天 autograph session @ IMM many years back!

look at the crowd!!

stitch photo of the crowd.

At 5:25pm, she arrived!
Managed to take a photograph of her thru the many “heads” n “cameras”!

Pretty she!
The dress looks like some SIA dress.

Pardon me, below will be many snapshots of her.

classic sunshine smile! :)

they started playing the game, 《百万大歌星》, chinese ver of 《Don’t Forget The Lyrics》

yanzi participated in the contest also.
her song was 直来直往。
she managed to sing the missing part!
so her reward was to take photo with Tao Li.
Tao Li, the national swimmer is also yanzi’s fan.

the contestants.

some gifts were presented to yanzi by the fanclub to wish her SUCCESS for the concert.

and a cake with the wording SUCCESS was given to her.
SUCCESS spelled backwords, SSECCUS = Stefanie Sun Especially Captivating Concert + US
LOL, kinda lame thing created by the fanclub…
no offence thou~ we all meant well.


At 6:09pm, my turn is finally here!


When it was my turn, i told her in the shortest possible time,
“Waiting for your new album!”
And she smiled and said thank you.
rmb many years ago on the 完美的一天 autograph session at IMM, i told her “你很美!”
And she gave me a shocked and embarassed look and said thank you.
So this time round, i thought of something less astonishing but motivating.
Cause she was quite worried that after like 2-3 years of not in the showbiz, people will not like her that much as before, so i guess she needed that!
We are all waiting for your new album !
the ticket got smudged la, look at the assistant on the right of the pic, must be her finger !

A preview of her
NEW SONG, 愚人的国度 which she will sing at her concert!
(she self-composed the lyrics)This few days will be Stefanie Sun playlist all the way on my winamp!
Next song is 完美的一天.
Super love this song, never fails to have the carefree feeling whenever i listen to this song.
Although alot of people complaint that this song is childish and has a stupid tune or wat.
But I really love this song lor!
Labels: autograph, causeway point, concert, stefanie sun, sun yan zi, the answer is ...