my bday celebration - jc mates
by Celestial ( 0 comments )

Monday, August 25, 2008
1:01:00 AM
went for the AHM 2008.

was not feeling since thursday.
had sore throat, then came the flu, then came the cough.

now its the irritating flu + no voice + yellowish phlegm.
pop 2 more flu pills today and my flu didnt got any better.

therefore didnt quite enjoy the run.
and the weather was damn humid, due to the rain the past few days.

but it was fun walking with sf, wl and sr and laughing at the "bom bom shaking girl" "the not so skinny girl" and bla bla.

after that, planned to collect my Nike+ race pack.
but after me and zhisheng and one of his friend reach clark quay, there was damn lots of people la.
the queue was like winding here and there till we couldnt even find the end of the queue.

i had to give up queueing as i had plans to meet with my jc-mates already.

so zhisheng offer to help me collect my friend and mine's race pack :)

thanks zhisheng! :D

zhisheng nearly gave up queueing too. thank god theres his friend at the queue and therefore, we managed to cut queue and got the goody bag today.
but by then i was already gone la!

gone to redhill to meet my jc mates.

my jc mates celebrated my bday with me today!


we had steamboat, then watched some olympic games, then had 2nd round steamboat, then i took a short nap on yubin's sofa as i was damn tired la.

my sickness + the AHM in the morning, woke up at 4am+ lor.

then we had 3rd round steamboat, then played a game which is similar to "Cheat" ?

forgot its actual name already.
then we played some "Mad dunno-what-game". i only rmb the aim of the game is directly opposite of those in Monopoly, you have to lose as much money as possible.
And there are missions for you to complete before you can loss your money.

Okay i did the following actions.

1.Fold your leg, put ur hands under your butt and cuckle like a chicken.
2. Pretend you're a rock for 1minute. (they tried to tickle me and stuffs, luckily i managed to endure the tickles!)
3.Put the card on your head and walk backwards around the table and come back and sit down without your card falling.
4. Make the noise of your favourite animal. (I choosed pig cause it was the easiest)

Omg i cant believe i did choosed 4 action cards and the others got none. They were all simple task like "Exchange your money with the person on your right"

And in the end, after all the exchanges, my $500 became like $10,000+


after the games, we went to make our own chocolate fondue.

me and yb melted the chocolate and it looked real nice.

yb even have the chocolate fondue pot where they have a candle below to keep the chocolate melted.

argh i dont have the pictures with me, its all on yb's cam.
she said she'll send me the pic ASAP.


then came the "so called" surprise.

i was all along trying to break their surprises.

ransacking yb's room, checking the digital camera bla bla.
oh ya and before we met kaili, me and zj was going to find her and on the way, we found kaili buying my bday cake -_-


there are many funny details that i cant possibly type everything out la.

but it was damn funny.
like how one of the plastic bag in yb's room disappear after i went in the 2nd time.
of course it aroused my suspicion. haha.

and inside the plastic bag was this!

this is the cute little aeroplane on my bday cake.
really retro lor. still got wheels below can roll around :DD

my bday card!

i think its one of the nicest bday card i've receieved.
stil got popout effects. haha.

kaili said she painted the number "20" herself. nice hor.

haha. the moment i open the card, i saw SUN HO!

i was like, WTH is SUN HO doing in my CARD. shld be STEFANIE SUN AND NOT SUN HO!

haha then i saw below the sun ho head, theres someone else.

and below that dunno-who-is-that-man's head, theres someone else too.

and not some weirdo's head.

okay the remaining pics ill post them when i get from yb.

but i must really thank YUBIN, for lending out her house for one day. and not forgetting the mess we created after the steamboat and chocolate fondue and stuffs.

oh yea, i broked her shower head when i was showering at her house! OMG. lol. so sorry la. lend us house i still broke your shower head.

and thanks to kaili for her beautiful POP-UP card.

and thanks to zhenjie for winning my money for the blackjack games! lol.
FYI, zj got double 'A's when i was the banker. and he bet 60cents and i had to pay him $1.80!

At one point i was like profit $2+ lor. then at the end of the game become loss money.

LOL kidding la.
we played blackjack all the way till 11am lor. it was damn fun la. but could've been more fun if i didnt have that runny nose with me! argh. had to keep running to the tissue box ...

ANYWAY, i really enjoyed myself and i can really feel the hardwork put into preparing all this for me.

and i really liked the gift and the card from you guys, yb, stop saying i hesitated before saying i like the gift!



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