Wednesday, May 14, 2008
7:44:00 PM
A Shocking Look Inside Chinese Fur Farms a look at this video.
**Note: Not for the faint-hearted ppl.
Its really shocking to see.
Dont think this thing is too far away from us and we cannot do anything.
You could be travelling overseas and do you vividly rmb shopping for animal-origin products?
I do rmb once when i was in thailand and they were selling elephant ivory-made products. and i immediately said im not interested in such products and told my parents not to buy any.
If u are visiting china or anyother countries, you will have a chance to see ppl selling animal furs or etc.
Rmb, if this do happens, never from buy those stuffs. Although they may look tempting and exotic or watever, but rmb this video, you are wearing that bloody thing on ur body, or carrying it as a handbag and you think its freaking beautiful?
I didnt want to watch the 2nd-half of the video coz its too gross and i think i've gotten the msg the video is trying to put across.
Imagine if you are the animal itself.
What did they do to deserve this?
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