Jurong Bird Park Trip
kudos to Blood Donation Day organising!
got the complimentary ticket from my dad as he’s a regular blood donor.
i also got donate blood b4!
but only once during JC times…
and i dont mind going for a 2nd time, anyone keen, ask me along!
Not many varieties.
And their man-made house look so dirt yellowish and dull la :(
I think they are missing their spacious Antartica.

the icons of JBP.
colourful parrots!

yet another icon.

photos with the icon!

some birds from africa?

mandarin ducks?

the couple was seen resting under a shade, secluded from the others.

i rmb my primary sch once had them as pets.
and they will peck ppl when they get near, and i rmb its damn painful!

had a hard time taking the pic above, before he/she finally decided to stop scratching itself.
the ruffled feathers were a result of the goose trying to scratch itself.

those birds that have huge flabby throats that they can stuff plenty of fishes with.


a weird looking big bird.

i like this pic!
and i like this parrot!
hes so alive la, unlike the others who just sits on the branches and stare at us with a strange look.

African Aviary Waterfall.

some turkey-like birds running around freely!
they are so cute la.
running crazily along the pathways.

the most beautiful landscape in the birdpark.

my solemn expression was a result of the photographer’s inability to take the pic before i got slightly pissed off.

some colourful birds feeding on fruits!
their diet are mainly apples, papaya, long beans.

Flightless Birds.
someone dropped his blood donation drive cap into the bird’s territory and it seems to be having fun pecking and playing with it.

another bird that cant fly.
this bird looks kind of amusing.

i like those kind of open concept bird displays!
you can touch the birds!
although i didnt managed to touch any of them today, cause i was afraid that they might peck me.

yea, that’s my hand, feeding the bird the apple that i ate :X

that’s another person’s hand.
actually our HDB area also got alot of those green birds or blue or yellow birds flying around lor.
i rmb my camp had lots of green parrots or wat.

yea, another bird and yet, another person’s hand.

my favourite la!
this bird was situated at quite a secluded spot lor.
and it is caged up.
poor bird, they should like put them on the main display lor.
its so beautiful!
i rmb i saw on stomp that a person saw this kind of bird went to his backyard to steal some papaya and he even managed to take some pics.
and the bird even went back some other days later or what.
omg, imagine this kind of bird appearing at your backyard!

they were playing with their huge and colourful beaks.

that’s all for the pic and after that, my HP went flat.
just incase you guys didnt notice!
all the pictures were taken using my n85.
(my darn bro took the potato camera, he also went to JBP, but with his gf)
after that we went to the Hawk Show, where they featured Eagles and Vulture and they did some super low-flying actions.
So low that their wings actually hit a few of the audience’s head.
and everyone will go Ooowww~!
That’s all for the bird park trip.
GOnna end the post abruptly!
Labels: jurong bird park