Pictures are so pretty and colourful that i find it a waste not to share them!
Photographer of the day is not me but both kl and yb.
The sun was damn bright and sunny that day.

preparing the equipments.
and the girls only bothered to like shelter themselves lor.
when i'm out in the sun trying to get rdy the stuffs.

the shelter i created.
(nice shot by either kl/yb!)

edited yb’s cloud pic abit.


first catch of the day!
finally broke the big ZERO.

share the crab to take pictures.

kl trying to act like she just got the crab out of the water.

removing the unlucky crab from the mess in the crabbing net.

a gigantic ship came right infront of us.
had to be guided by several ships.
big shot.

kl preparing to

guess who’s nose is that at the bottom left corner.

another catch!

a starfish got caught.

there, that’s the starfish.

“helping” the crab to untangle.

more crabs!

more starfishes!

the leftside flower crab was caught when kl and yb went to buy drinks.
i think it was my largest flower crab caught ever!
even the malay guy there also say, “wah this one big huh.”

went to get some water for the crabs as they looked like they are dying of congestion.

they forced me to turn back and smile.

kl happily giving the crabs a jacuzzi bath.

by evening, it started to get real crowded.

the moon came out to say Hi.

so did the Meow meow.
yb and kl was screaming whenever the cat walk near them lor.
i was blogging halfway and i went to lie on my bed and walked around.
distracted le!
shall let the pics do the job.

so fast end le.
pic with the biggest catch of the day.

the fellow is now in yb’s fridge i guess o.O
soon it will be in yb’s stomach!
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Today, i went to get my first book!

Angels & Demons, read it during my work time.
It’s nice!
Love' the author’s descriptive vocab.
Gonna go continue reading it later.
And i ask my mum to help to wrap the book, although it’s a little ugly…
But at least it got a cover le!
Thanks mum~
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zs came down to imh today to visit me!
he jogged all the way from his hse.
then he went with me and cy for our breaktime at imh’s foodcourt.
so nice to see him after like 1 mth?

pic taken with his Samung Ultratouch.
Let’s go crabbing soon.
Labels: crabbing, kaili, yubin, zhisheng