I hope this post won’t be too laggy for most of you all.
Cause there are 12 gif files.
Created a dedicated animated post to organise the ORD Pics beter.
Will be posting some other nicer chosen pictures taken from GT’s cam.
Average file size each amounts to 1mb.
Already did the resizing, imaging, 1 gif theres like 5 pictures, and each picture is around 300kb, that makes 5 pictures 1.5mb and 1 gif 1.5mb!
Okay to put it simple, pls be patient when loading these animated pictures!
With Captain Ong Han Han
With Captain Ong Lilian
With Captain Ong Shumin
With S3, Captain Daniel Wan
With CO 35 SCE, Major Lee
With our most beloved world no.1 CSM, MASTER Jeffrey Yeo Yong Pin
I think the most animated person should go to YY sia.
He really looks like the main character from One Piece man...
**For the full size downloadable versions.