i mentioned abt ytd's outing several times.
after much turbulence. (went to highlanders and nearly cancelled tis outing)
a random shot on the MRT journey to clarke quay.
cy, me, wy and fw went in first as alvin and my was late.
we admitted b4 1030 so we got the 18bucks package with 1 drink and think it was pretty enough for me alrdy as im not really a drinker.
we ordered ribena vodka, lime vodka, redbul vodka, beer, screwdriver.
all was nice! except the darn most hated beer!
i would rate them
1st to last.
screwdriver->ribena vodka & lime vodka ->redbull vodka.
initially it was still quite early and MOS is freaking empty la.
except for 1 uncle! argh. shld've taken photos with him as he was damn high la. dancing with another aunty.
i see him dance i also high liao. haha. everyone was posing with the uncle to take a photo.
i guess hes in his 60's alrdy?
i think he just wanted to enjoy a night dancing his head away with his wife or wat.
as time passes. the place got livelier.
and the music also became much "higher".
it was a trance night.
POMPS POMPS POMPS music at the main dance floor was thrilling.
me and cy got real high man and we were soon dancing with the music.
haha it was real
REAL REALL FUN !!!didnt know clubbing could be so fun!
but the sad thing is, everyone danced at least abit except for wy and my.
they were nt high enuf :(
most high would be me and cy.
dancee dance dance non-stop til we were nearly sweating and legs wobbly.
we swear we gonna go back there soon! haha.
P/S : but i dont like the disco theme room there. alot of angmohs.
heres the pics :)
look at the crowd at ard 1am! woot~
kk. whoever. someone took a shot of me sleeping with my mouth
on NR2 on the way home. with a JUICE mag i got from MOS. haha.
tats all for today.
gonna go eat dinner at seoul garden to send mengyeow off to NS.
hes enlisting next thurs.