218 @ east coast
nice clouds.
218 the bikers
my #$%^&* kayak mate. lol
its a nice outing overall.
but could've been much fun if all 218 came...
went cycling and kayaking.
kayaking was so exciting!
my kayak mates, kaili and yubin kept spamming me with the sea water
and it was damn embarassing when me and yubin kayak, the kayak got blown back to the shore! and it nearly langga into some kids.. and those kids have to help push us back into the waters. argh thx to my #$%^&*( mate. haha
im gonna kayak again for sure!
it was really a enjoyable day. got to know some of 218 more :)
too bad bev cant come! curse her aunty molly. >:(
after the east coast outing, me yubin kaili and rusydi took a taxi and rushed down to cathay building! we only left east coast @ 6;45pm and there were so many jams at the town area and it cost us $10:40 to get there(im so poor now)
kaili and rusydi went home and me and yubin went to collect the free movie ticket that i won from yes933 jiahui's program :)(she like benedictkiat tis name) she picked my name twice for 2 lucky draws already! hehe.
wah that's the first time i went to cathay building.
such a big posh place to watch movie o.o cathay is so rich!
i bought baked chicken rice and yubin bought fish and chip.
the movie we watched is called "9:56" and its free seating o.o
argh the whole show keep using the loud sound effects to scare ppl! cheapskate.
ahaha but its being sooo long that i think a horror movie is scary. so its worth it :). the story plot is also quite interesting, unlike those typical horror movies. would reconmend this movie if u like horror movies :) anyway its NC16 and some scenes are quite gross and bit obscene..
after the movie went to buy the "banana boat aloe vera after sun lotion". im so burnt on my face, neck and hands! wonder if my skin will still peel after applying that lotion. on the label they said that it will preserve and extend the tan.. i hope it better do! will review on the product after a few days. cya ;)